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SA 8000:2014


Advancing the Human Rights of Workers

Success through management excellence

Global Standards encourages to know about Social Accountability – SA 8000:2014 for its implementation and approach of high ethical reputation to attract the maximum targeted market. SA 8000 is the standard for the social requirements that related to corporate social responsibility including accountability to local bodies and internationally accredited certification bodies during an third party systematic audit to witness the true implementation as per international standards of SA 8000 – SAI.

SA 8000 is an international standard which is established, reviewed, and revised by SA – Social Accountability Institute. This institute is responsible to reissue this standard once approved through nominated committee. This standard is available in almost 15 languages for better understanding and confidence.

©  Global Standards. All rights reserverd for this documented information shared for reading purpose only.

White Paper - SA 8000:2014 - Social Accountability

The SA 8000 standard has become an international reference for Social Accountability requirements.

SA 8000 is a global social accountability standard for decent working conditions, developed and overseen by Social Accountability International (SAI).

SA 8000 is an auditable certification standard based on the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Convention on the Rights of the Child and various International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions. SA8000:2014 covers the following areas of accountability:

● Child labor:
● Forced labor:
● Health and Safety:
● Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining:
● Discrimination:
● Discipline:
● Working hours:
● Compensation:
● Management systems for Human Resources:

White Paper - SA 8000:2014 - Social Accountability


SAI surveys certified organizations about the costs and benefits of implementing the standard. A research initiative is underway to conduct a systematic collection and analysis of such data and to establish a baseline for future research. Implementation of the voluntary SA8000 certification system can contribute to some of the following benefits:

For business : improvements in the ability to recruit and retain customers, employees, investment, and shareholders.

For any employer : better trained and healthier workforces, fewer workplace accidents, higher product quality, increased productivity, more efficient and effective monitoring. For suppliers and supply chain

Managers : more clarity about requirements and monitoring procedures.

For concerned consumers : an opportunity to be able to use ethical criteria in purchasing.

For concerned investors : an opportunity to be able to use ethical criteria in shareholding. A number of SRI firms use SA8000 as a criterion of corporate sustainability and risk management.

For workers : better pay, more reasonable work hours, fairer advancement opportunities, more training ; more participation in workplace management and design, and fewer accidents on the job.

For all : less child labour and more children in school with the consequent positive impacts on economic and social development, healthier workers, an attenuation of the poverty trap, more paths for cooperation between business, trade unions and NGO’s

SAI is one of many organizations around the world whose activities seek to support the goals of the Global Compact and the GRI. SA 8000 focuses on the implementation of corporate/organ – izational responsibility in the areas of human rights and labour standards.

©  Global Standards. All rights reserverd for this documented information shared for reading purpose only.

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